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    We are a group of financial specialists that tailors financial strategies aimed to help improve your business and your life.

  • Sharpen your pencil. We have some work to do.







  • Step One

    Learn your story

    The very first thing we do is spend time learning about your business and your life. Basically we take a snapshot of where you are today. This includes gathering information about the 5 financial factors:


    1. What you earn

    2. What you spend

    3. What you have saved

    4. How much you owe

    5. Fears that tell us what to protect

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    Write the story

    Next we talk about how you see your business, your life, and your life in business some time from now. Five years? Twenty years? Next week?

    You pick. We help you understand what's possible and what is a pipe dream. Ultimately we want to educate you on:

    1. Opportunities

    2. Risks

    3. Where to think bigger (and where to get a grip)

    4. How all your assets fit into your life

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    Live your story

    This is our time to shine. We discuss tools, techniques, and strategies to help your future story come to be. We tap into some of the best and brightest to bring you a plan that aims to capture greater value with minimal hassle factor.

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    Learn, Write, Live

    Our lives and businesses are ever changing. We will need to tear a few pages out of the story and rewrite them along the way. We will need to adjust strategy and implement new tools. We are always learning, planning for what is next, and updating the plan to appropriately navigate the financial, legal, and tax codes put upon us. And sometimes we people just like to change our mind.

  • Contact Us

    Don't be afraid to reach out. We love learning new stories

    4000 Kruse Way Place
    Building 1 - Suite 220
    Lake Oswego, OR 97035